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Bioshock Infinite Elizabeth Cosplay
Quantum physics, a homicidal maniac, a steampunk city in the sky, and a stunningly beautiful girl with mysterious powers. Bioshock Infinite had just about everything...
Natalia Grey Fifth Element Erotica
Natalia Grey has quite the costume wardrobe, so I am looking forward to her Halloweentober shows. She already has her skeleton and pumpkin lights strung up. Today, of...
Sloane Synful Sexy Robin Sexy Halloween
Sloane Synful has a soft blonde mohawk now, but, around the time of last Halloween, she had short dark hair. For Halloween she was Sexy Robin. When challenged on whether...
Belieber Drummer Boy Onesie Dance
Ashe Maree is doing a dance to Justin Bieber’s performance of Drummer Boy. She is playing the song and, not only dancing to the beat, but singing along, and air...
Wonderful Nerd_Nips Takes You To Wonderland
Nerd_Nips is really cute and interesting, plus, her Alice in wonderland outfit is really nice. At least I think it is an Alice in wonderland costume. I’m not really...
Harley Nintendo
Nintend xo is in Los Angeles, waiting for UPS to deliver her Harley Quinn bat, so she can go to a photo shoot. She paid $70 to make sure her package arrived on time, so...
Hooping Harley Serafina
Serafina is kicking off her Halloweentober costumes with Harley Quinn. Serafina can even hula hoop and vape at the same time in her Halloween costume for October 1....
DirtyTalknSam is one gorgeous devil
It isn’t often that a hostess can make me stop in my tracks just by her preview, but that’s exactly what DirtyTalknSam did. When I saw her preview, I...
Virgin Krishna Witch
Virgin Krishna just started the first Halloween show of October! She looks beautiful as a witch, with her big black pointy hat and gauze and cleavage hugging sparkly...