Razor Candi Day of the Dead


Razor Candi is one of the most creative altmodels when it comes to makeup and styling, probably the most creative who has a site all about her. Only some of the top cam models hold a candle to her makeup work. Razor Candi did a very spiderwebby gothic take on Day of the Dead and even painted her body with skeleton goodness. Her eyes are really striking against the black rimmed around them. I love that she talks about her inspirations in her photo set intros. For this one, she was commissioned to do a Day of the Dead painting and so she styled herself for a photo shoot to use for painterly reference material. If you want to see the rest of what she created for this series, there is a lot to see on RazorCandi.com which I can’t show you here in SFW land.




Now here’s an interesting subject for nude work! Some time ago I was contacted by a gentleman who was looking for an art piece to add to his Día de los Muertos collection and he thought I’d be a good person to contact. After being confronted with the project, I agreed. Being a bit of a novice artist when it comes to painting as a medium I knew I’d need a reference to help in the creative process. After some brain storming I decided the best method would be to use myself as the reference as it would give me original work to build from and I would also avoid having to use someone else’s work, and so my Día de Muertos set was created! Even though the main goal of the set was to capture that one perfect image for the painting I thought it would be a waste to not continue forward and shoot an entire set but include erotic and daring poses! Though I am sure it’s been done, but it’s probably safe to say it probably haven’t been done very much, which makes this set a unique minority. I also found it fitting to shoot a set for November 1st as well as Halloween since my current location has me in Europe where Halloween isn’t actually as celebrated as The Day Of The Dead. Hope you’ll also stop by my video section to see the video shot during this set!


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