Roxy Contin’s Pink Punk Power


Punk sensation Roxy Contin looks absolutely gorgeous in this BlueBlood gallery. Her pink hair and blue lipstick bring out the smoothness of her skin to a whole new level and the fact that she is wearing very little clothes to leave just enough to the imagination is tastefully enticing.

Her boots are also an element that turns this BarelyEvil model into a dream since they make her look strong and capable, but also manage to have her appear intensely arousing while making her seem like a character from Blade Runner.

There are so many things to look at in this gallery that you should not be surprised if you spend an entire day looking at the sublime Roxy Contin.


I think parts of this outfit are what Roxy Contin used to audition for a role where she was going to get to shoot strippers from a moving car. She says she was just like, ‘wow, and you are going to pay me to do that too?’ She got the part, of course.
–Amelia G



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