Lara Croft by Melenea Cosplay


Look, guys! Lara Croft is at it again!

Well, maybe not, but Melenea Cosplay sure is. This time she decided to encarnate Lara Croft in such a true way that, well, it looks like she’s already killed a bunch of baddies. Look at the blood!

The costume itself is fairly simple: no such thing as all those insane details I’ve posted about before, but still Melenea looks pretty cute and like she’s seen some stuff. The photoshoot you can see below fits the character and her adventures, although it does look like the pictures were taken when Croft was resting from her usual quests and, instead, was just hunting deers or something. You could call it her relax time!

All in all I’ve got to say, this girl rocks the costume. Don’t you agree?

The photos were taken by greencat. If you’d like to see more from the cosplayer, check out her page.


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