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Crystal Brush Miniature Winners

Miniatures figures are a big deal and recently Crystal Brush held it’s annual painting competition in conjunction with CoolMiniorNot Expo. Categories included...

Game of Thrones – The Rains of Castamere

Props! So many props on that war table!! I want them all! The Game is in full effect as Robb strategizes with Cat. Once they have Frey’s army, they’ll be...

Villain Themed Shoes

Footwear designer Kobi Levi has created a stunning line of women’s shoes inspired by villains from Disney movies. Included in the line is the Evil Queen from Snow...

kaylee pond cam bodypainting space death star

Death Star Lands on Kaylee Pond’s Giant Boobs

Kaylee Pond is always a favorite around here. She knows her geekdom and tends to perform in front of a TARDIS police box. Today, she is engaging in some epic...

kickaz venom cam

Kickaz Does a Sexy Creepy Cosplay Venom

kickaz is doing her cam show all made up as a pretty terrifyingly sexy version of the comicbook character Venom (or perhaps Ann Weying, the bride of Venom) tonight. Her...

American McGee’s New Stupid Game

WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS JUGGALO CRAP?! American McGee is determined to yet again shit the bed with an offering of moronic, hackneyed, poorly made crap in the guise of some...

Game of Thrones – Second Sons

I spent a lot of this episode rubbing my hands together in anticipation, because I knew what was coming and all of it pleased me. Our favorite Wolf Girl continues her...

Arrow – Sacrifice

Doctor Teeth, I mean Captain Jack, I mean Merlyn, now has Ollie chained up (hawt) after their little run in and tries to convince Ollie that destroying the Glades is a...

Iron Fist Unicornicopia Pump

Stop the presses. As soon as I saw these Unicorn Pumps from Iron Fist, I knew this was going to be a special day. Maybe this post would be better suited over at...

Game of Thrones – The Bear and the Maiden Fair

Happy Mother of Dragons Day! They grow up so fast, but today is about you! We rejoin our Wildling troop now that they’re south of The Wall with Jon trying to...

kittycatxo cam

KittyCatxo Pink Cosplaying Tonight to Billy Joel

KittyCatxo is cosplaying tonight in her oddly convincing anime wig. I think there were more clothes than that earlier. She is listening to surprisingly retro music like...

posie_bear cam

Posie Bear Just Wants Other Cam Girls to Name their Toys after Her

Tonight, Posie Bear is collecting tokens from everyone in her chat room and the plan is that they are all going to go into another cam girl’s room and give her a...


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