Arrow – The Odyssey


You may have heard by now that “Arrow” has been renewed for a second season. Hooray shirtless Canadians! This means more upside down pushups, more bad guys, and more FELICITY!!!!

This action packed episode starts with Ollie, literally crashing his mother’s late night office meeting, to…. well, I guess to get some answers out of her but that sure isn’t how things work out. She goes for the “but I’m a mother!” defense and Ollie stands down for long enough to allow her to reach a gun and shoot him. What a bitch. Luckily, he ninjas himself out of the office and into plucky Felicity’s car for help. YEAH! The only chick I like on the show is the blonde! We desperately need another woman on the show who’s not a lame pushover, ahem, Thea, ahem, Laurel.

Mmmmm, look at those tight, shiny, green pants. Yeah, just lay there all comatose. Hawt. Diggle and Felicity tend to Ollie’s bullet wound and get to know each other while Ollie reminisces about the good, ol’ times in his fever dreams. Back in time on the Lost Island, Ollie’s getting his ass kicked by Deathstroke to train for their escape. Deathstroke gives some weird backstory that I wasn’t really paying attention to, something about the other guy in the Deathstroke mask.

The Dynamic Duo plan to take over the airbase on the island when the next transport plane arrives and escape. It goes pretty smoothly except for a code that they have to tell the plane when they radio in. Ollie recognizes it from “The Odyssesy” and saves the day! But when Slade says he’s going to call in an airstrike on the island Ollie decides that he has to save his Sensei. This is the point where Ollie realizes he has to stop being a selfish asshole and live for something other than hot girls and parties.

It becomes clear that Sensei is working under duress as the mercenaries have his daughter. With a particular tattoo. Hmmmm. We still don’t know why the mercenaries are there, or who everyone is or what the List even is, but at least we are getting some action packed episodes out of it.

Shirtless count: 1, but he was shirtless the whole episode. Whoooooo!


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