Arrow – Dead to Rights


Did he just stab that guy in the chest with an arrow? That’s kind of cold, Ollie. Felicity gets a training session with Diggle and thrown around some, which is kinda hot but also weird. Are they training her for more field work? Cuz I’d love that.

Ollie’s second date with Luna goes a lot better than the first one, but it’s gonna take a lot of doings before they are anywhere close to a normal relationship.

Felicity hacks the phone of our would be assassin, which leads to a restaurant front, which leads to the Triad, which leads to Merlyn. Look, nobody with teeth that white is going to go down without a fight. Even if you do have a now cybernetic Deadshot on your team. I’m glad Ollie didn’t kill him when he shot him in the eye…

Really, Triad? You have to kill the wait staff to take their place? Can’t you just lock em in a closet? Poor guys were just trying to support themselves while they audition for movies and shows. You’ve crushed that dream! I spot continuity errors when Ollie fights the Triad HBC, but that’s the kind of person I am.

Oh boy, that’s going to change things. Ollie was in a rough spot there and he didn’t have a lot of options, but now Tommy knows he’s the Hood. Which is definitely going to come back and bite him in the ass.

This episode is chock full of crappy parents, parents who ran away, parents who sucked as parents. Parents lying to each other. All these kids need some therapy up in here. Sheesh.

Back on the Lost island, Ollie fixes the radio they have but they can’t call out. They can listen in and try to figure out what is happening on the rest of the island. Not a whole lot of development this week, but at least they threw a little something in.

Shirtless count: Deathstroke doing pull-ups,


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