Heroes Con


Do you like comics? Do you like in North Carolina? Then come to Heroes Con in Charlotte on June 22 -24! Guests include Stan Lee, Neal Adams, Frank Cho, Becky Cloonan, Kelly Sue Deconnick, Matt Fraction, Ben Caldwell, Dave Johnson and more.

heroes con DC

HEROES CONVENTION was founded in 1982 by Shelton Drum, owner of Charlotte’s Heroes Aren’t Hard To Find comics shop. Since then the convention has become famous for its comics-first and family-friendly atmosphere, where fans can mingle directly with professionals and exhibitors. Boasting an incredible guest list built mainly on reputation and goodwill, HeroesCon is known nationwide as a “must” on the summer schedule, drawing fans, exhibitors, and creators from every region of the country to the Charlotte Convention Center.

HeroesCon 2012 will be June 22-24! Come and celebrate our 30th Anniversary with us! We are still working on confirming guests and updating our website. In the meantime, we’ve left up some of the latest info on our 2010 show, which was the largest we’d ever organized! Thanks to everyone who made HeroesCon 2011 such an unqualified success!


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