Suicide Girls Are Red Shirts


I’m excited to be having mainstream impact just a few months into doing this blog. I’m tickled pink that a girl named Edea just appeared on Suicide Girls in a Star Trek uniform. I admit that the same girl has a set which they call pothead where she appears to be, err, smoking pot and lists her fantasy as “To smoke up with Voltaire” although she does not specify whether she means Voltaire the philosopher or the singer or the model. She also says the five items she can not live without are bong, green stuff, vibrator. I’m only counting three there, but she also lists The Matrix and Futurama as two of her favorite things and that is just plain goodness, so who is to quibble. Wouldn’t it be weird if my little hobby blog got to be really huge and influential. So far I am honestly a little overwhelmed. It is funny that Fleshbot mentioned the Star Trek influence in my little site less than two weeks ago and it seems to have created this huge wave of Star Trekness in the porn world. A lot of other sites have mentioned specifically the Star Trek parts of Sexy Fandom since Fleshbot did. So now where is my all long-haired guys in plate armor all the time site? That is the influence I really want to have. For those less dorky than I am, I feel the need to mention that Edea is a character from Final Fantasy VIII and is the subject of frequent cosplay mischief.

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