Guns At The Ready With Pavlovacoluccii_’s D.Va


I have a gun pointed at me when I enter Pavlovacoluccii_‘s room. It would be menacing, if not for the absolute bubble of cuteness that is the cutie before the screen – including the adorable, giant pink gun that’s she’s pointing towards the camera with the barrel.

D.Va is one of those heroines that is both stunning to look at and very awesome to cosplay as. She has the full outfit on – lots of pinks, blues, and whites going around – including all the necessary accessories like the headset and the gun as she plays around in the battlefield.

Pavlovacoluccii_‘s D.Va is a joy to watch!

Guns At The Ready With Pavlovacoluccii_’s D.Va

Guns At The Ready With Pavlovacoluccii_’s D.Va

Guns At The Ready With Pavlovacoluccii_’s D.Va

Pavlovacoluccii_ writes:

Real Name: Salome
Followers: 31155
Birth Date: Feb. 22, 2002
Age: 19
I am: A Woman
Interested In: Women, Men, Couples, Trans
Location: Colombia


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