Arrow – Birds of Prey


This episode is thick with shaky cam and lighting tricks. It’s annoying, director John Behring. And this episode is lame. Super, super lame. You could really just stop reading here because it did pretty much nothing to advance the overall story of the season. Just know that at the very, very end, Thea is leaving the club and instead of what I have to assume would be driving herself home, she gets a ride from Slade. Would you do that? How’s she gonna get her car back? Well she’s kidnapped now so I guess that’s not really an issue.

At least Laurel is doing the steps and not doing that ugly crying thing anymore. And she gets her job back, sorta, working on the Bertinelli case. Which becomes a problem when Huntress shows up to kill dear old dad at the court house. Turns out it was all a sting operation to bring Huntress in, which she wasn’t expecting, but of course she always lands on her feet, instead taking hostages with the gang she had hiding in plain site. Can’t she do something more productive with her time than be obsessed with revenge? Like maybe juice cleanses or big jigsaw puzzles of cats?

Roy gets shot in the hand, but is totes fine, and a new nickname! Speedy when are you gonna start doing drugs? With his anger issues Roy would be a better bouncer than waiter. Good job making out with a rando slut to make that break up with Thea stick!

Is Slade giving Ollie a tattoo, back on the boat? No, he’s being electrocuted. No, it’s both. It’s the tattoo that Shado had, so he can always remember her. Well that explains that. It’s a dragon, since you could absolutely not tell from the shot of it.
Birds of Prey
No, Sarah, Ollie didn’t create Slade. Slade was pretty crazy already, Ollie just nudged him a bit. And I don’t think he’s really responsible for Huntress either. Basically, Sarah, you’re wrong and a bitch and I’m tired of looking at your pushed up boobs. Well, at least she gets in and almost rescues Laurel. That is until Laurel refuses to go and Sarah gets pushed out a window.

When Huntress inevitably catches Laurel, she demands a trade for her father. Cue bitch fight part two. And of course that rogue cop kills Bertinelli in the crossfire, which crushes little Helena’s spirit. And then Thea gets nabbed. The end.


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