Those_Darn_Frigs Has Her Horns And Fangs Out


There’s one horned creature of the night that wishes to make her dark appearance. When Those_Darn_Frigs does her creature cosplays is when I enter the room and see what she has in store. Well, tonight this creature is also busy doing some arts and crafts and making a little snowman but damn that look is really nice on her. The giant horns on her head just look so good, not to mention the whole black on black on black outfit is really working with the whole look.

It looks like this creature is ready for Christmas too because Those_Darn_Frigs‘s room is chock full of all kinds of holiday and festive decorations! Either way, Those_Darn_Frigs is a lot of fun to be around and this creature has the whole night to prowl!

Those_Darn_Frigs Has Her Horns And Fangs Out

Those_Darn_Frigs Has Her Horns And Fangs Out

Real Name:Mecha Musume
I am:Female
Interested In:Women
Body Type:dope
Smoke / Drink:no
Body Decorations:pierced nips + battle scars


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