Vanessa_Ray_ Heads Into The Classroom One Last Time This Week


The school bell is ringing one last time this week to invite us into the classroom. Sitting comfortably in one, we find Vanessa_Ray_. She looks as adorable as ever, as she engages in a bit of studying (and chatting with her fans). The outfit she has on is the classic schoolgirl uniform we all know and love, but there’s something about the way she wears it that makes it look extra stylish and extra beautiful. She just a glow around her that will motivate anyone into wanting to finish up any tasks that still remains.

A classy schoolgirl such as Vanessa_Ray_ sitting in a classroom and displaying her classic schoolgirl outfit is a thing to be celebrated, as we wish goodbye to another school week and look forward to the next one.

Vanessa_Ray_ Heads Into The Classroom One Last Time This Week

Vanessa_Ray_ Heads Into The Classroom One Last Time This Week

Vanessa_Ray_ Heads Into The Classroom One Last Time This Week

Username: Vanessa_Ray_
Gender: Female
Body Type: Slim/Petite
Ethnicity: Other
Hair: Platinum Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Weight: 56 kilos
Height: 175 centimeters
Age: 22
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Marital Status: Single


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