Arrow – The Undertaking


Flashback Ahoy! This episode is finally giving us some insight into what the hell Malcolm has been planning with his secret group and how his father fit in with the plan. Or rather didn’t fit in. We learn about Malcolm’s desire to level the Glades and rebuild, and his collusion with the other members of the mystery group. There is a company making a Device that will be able to destroy the Glades and make it look like a natural disaster, shifting any suspicion away from our circle of jerks.

Ollie grabs a bad guy’s laptop and gets Felicity cracking on it. Through some yada yada they realize they might be able to find who kidnapped Walter and hope he’s still alive to rescue. Felicity gets to go under cover and looks just goddamn adorable doing it. I’m so glad they are giving her some bigger parts and letting her be smart AND sexy.

Megalomaniacal Malcolm informs Moira that THE DEVICE is ready and she seems less than happy about the prospect. He thanks her for all the support she’s given him through the years, so he must be pretty bad at reading people’s body language.

Felicity tries to broker peace between Ollie and Diggle, but they’ve both got their panties in a twist and think the other has to apologize first.

Aww young Ollie and Laurel, what dumb kids. This is the part where Ollie is supposed to seem immature, but Amell is such a cardboard actor he just comes across as stoic, and well, card board. Can he at least take his shirt off if he’s going to try and “act”?

Felicity is quite effective as a card shark and gets called to the manager’s office where Oliver busts in and tries to get info out of the manager. He says that Walter is dead, which is a crushing blow to both Ollie and Felicity. Ollie tells his mom who immediately confronts Malcolm in fury. Malcolm shows her a video feed of Walter, while Ollie eavesdrops. They track down where the feed is coming from and free Walter. YAY!

Laurel confronts Tommy over their breakup and he tells her that Ollie still loves her, which she doesn’t believe. She sees him at the hospital after Walter’s rescue and Ollie confirms that he is but can’t be with her. Whatevs. Take off your shirt!


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