Arrow – Trust but Verify


In wash board ab news, our favorite lost spaceman, Crichton from “Farscape” is in this week’s episode of “Arrow”. But he’s looking a little puffy these days, maybe too much Raslak? He was Diggle’s commander in Afghanistan but Ollie thinks now he’s using his military skills to rob armored trucks. Oh Diggle, you always want to see the good in people, don’t you?

Diggle defends Crichton when The Hood comes to have a little chat, pissing off Ollie. Diggle uses this opportunity to infiltrate the defense contractor, Blackhawk, that Crichton now runs. Nothing fishy going on there! No wait, totally fish central! Our favorite IT Girl uncovers that someone at Blackhawk is using their resources to track armored trucks and is behind the heists. I really like IT Girl, plucky smart girls in glasses is kinda my thing, but I wish she was around for more than thirty seconds.

Moira continues her tete-a-tete with Big Daddy Merlyn who continue to manipulate each other, just like a big dysfunctional family. Thea thinks that they are having an affair and has a full on teenager meltdown and decides to take a bunch of drugs. Smart choice! No way that will go poorly! OMG, she crashes on Princess Street! Did anybody else catch that? Wow, the location scouts are oddly literal this episode.

We continue to get a glimpse of Ollie’s time on the island. This time Ollie has taken down a soldier and tried to do some recon to find his little friend, but it ends poorly. You gotta give him some props for moxy and at least trying. Execution is very poor tho. I like that they are weaving this backstory through the episodes but I need a bit more, a couple segments per is just not enough. The Laurel and Tommy storyline is boring, so I don’t feel like covering it. I’ll let you know when there are some boobs or something.

Shirtless Count: a paltry 1


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