Starbit Cosplay’s Striking Katniss Hunger Games Cosplay


Katniss lives! Starbit Cosplay’s physical resemblance to Jennifer Lawrence is staggering, and everything that could look like Movie Katniss does here. The hair color and style are spot on, and even the bone structure of the face matches. Not sure if that’s more physical resemblance or a damned good makeup job, but it doesn’t matter. The costume is basically indistinguishable from the one in Mockingjay. MattEleven Photography also did an excellent job with color contrast, showing Katniss’s black-clad form sharply distinct from the dark blue background. 10/10 in every regard.


“fire is catching. and if we burn, you burn with us”

Katniss by Starbit Cosplay, photography by Matteleven Photography


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