What A Night For Guessing With JessWhitmore


Jackbox games are a staple. While JessWhitmore has some more games under her belt, the fun bits of a chill night definitely include a lot of playing around – especially, of course, the Wheel of Enormous Proportions and the horrendous puns it has between every game.

I do like the thought of one person very directly saying they’re cheating and getting all the answers right until they win though because that is a sound strategy. Although some of JessWhitmore‘s guesses have been really good too and I really appreciate seeing the immortal, all-knowing wheel do a proverbial pat on the back after each correct guess.

Jackbox Games of any kind and JessWhitmore always make for quite the sight to see and giggle at — because it’s quite the combo.

What A Night For Guessing With JessWhitmore

What A Night For Guessing With JessWhitmore

What A Night For Guessing With JessWhitmore

JessWhitmore writes:

cosplayer. gamer.


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