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Jaina Gets Inkier

Jaina, my favorite lady of the Sexodar, has gotten a lot more tattooed since the last time I saw her. Apparently she personally drew most of the art which adorns her...

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Jaina WOW Cam Sexodar

Most readers of my blog are probably aware that Jaina Proudmoore is the most badass human sorceress in all of Azeroth. (If you don’t play World of Warcraft, you...

Geek Girls Online 8Bit

Location: Arkham Asylum Occupation: Go Go Dancer/Geeky Porn Star/Super Villain Favorites: Table Top/Pen and Paper RPG: Witchcraft Video Game: World of Warcraft, Disgaea,...

Geek Girls Online Vivian Winters

The elf girls of WhoreLore are certainly slicker than Vivian Winters on Geek Girls Online. I am torn because I appreciate the Whore Lore production values, but I wish...

Pirate Booty

The World of Warcraft, err, World of Whorecraft, err, Whore Lore site features the episode Pirate Booty where a cute elf-eared Mia Rose shows a pirate a good time on the...


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