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Well This Sure Escalated Quickly!

Seems like the post-apocalyptic genre hasn’t gone out of the trend in 2020, despite the apocalypse, and this fact clearly evident when the game, Nier: Automata,...

Cosplayer Takes To The Streets In 2B cosplay

As of June 2019 Nier: Automata has sold over 4 million digital and physical copies. Proof that this game’s popularity isn’t going away anytime soon. To this date the...

KorpseKitten’s Sexy 2B Cosplay Gets An A+

You know that perfect moment when a cosplay is so good that it makes you do a double take when you see it because you feel like the character has actually come to life?...

Doll-Faced A2 Cosplay

The NieR: Automata cosplay hype is nowhere near finished because another well-known cosplayer by the name of Aza Miyuko has graced her fans with a cosplay of one of the...

A Little 2B Service From Hane Ame

Just when you thought the post-apocalyptic genre has started to get uninteresting, here comes Nier: Automata to completely destroy that notion. Developed by Platinum...


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