I have never had the pleasure of playing Fate/Grand Order before, but today Moon_Mika is introducing me to its world by cosplaying as a special assassin variant of...
The My Hero Academia franchise is full of powerful heroes and villains and I’m delighted to see Moon_Mika taking on the role of Himiko Toga as part of her cosplay...
In a room full of action figures, comic books and various cool looking posters I find the beautiful Moon_Mika smiling at the camera as she shows off her latest cosplay...
Female anthropomorphic characters based on warhsips that fight in an alternate timeline of World War II? That creative and crazy scenario makes up the plotline for Azur...
The thing about Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba is that it has some of the most interesting characters I have seen. Mixing in demonic beings and kawaii cuties into one...
I’m always happy to come across a bit of classic anime cosplaying. It seems to me that Moon_Mika is a big geek when it comes to most things comic books, animes and...