Moon_Mika Lets Out Her Inner Emilia


I’m always happy to come across a bit of classic anime cosplaying. It seems to me that Moon_Mika is a big geek when it comes to most things comic books, animes and various cartoons looking at the wall behind her and the plethora of nerdy stuff that is scattered about the place.

What I am most impressed by however is her ability to basically shapeshift. Emilia is just one of those characters that I’ve loved to see in Re: Zero so seeing the elf come to life thanks to Moon_Mika is really nice – I love the little details on her dress as much as I like seeing the cutie in white and purple considering it suits her.

Protagonists will do what protagonists gotta do, and Moon_Mika is ready!

Moon_Mika Lets Out Her Inner Emilia

Moon_Mika Lets Out Her Inner Emilia

Moon_Mika Lets Out Her Inner Emilia

Moon_Mika writes:

Real Name: Mika
Followers: 1733
I am: A Woman
Interested In: Women, Men, Couples, Trans
Location: Uusimaa, Finland


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