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Rhapsocostume’s Imperious King Joffrey Game of Thrones Cosplay

King Joffrey has a very distinct grimace, and Rhapsocostume nails it in this Game of Thrones cosplay. Joffrey’s cruel, haughty character traits are transparent...

Game of Thrones 56: Blood of My Blood

Blood of My Blood. I must say, the new Bill Murray show looks good. Okay, let’s guess who dies. My money is on a Lannister. We start in the cold Hodorless waste...

Hilarious Frozen/Game Of Thrones Elsa, Anna, and Joffrey Cosplay by jdevoll, Nina, and mjolnirismypenis

You don’t need to be an literature scholar to appreciate the concept of “understatement,” especially when it’s applied to modern movies and...


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