Home Posts tagged genderbent
Tag: asian coser, cosplay, cross play, genderbent, genderbent sasuke, naruto, Naruto Shippuden, Sasuke, shanghai, Uchiha Sasuke
Xi Nemesia as Uchiha Sasuke
This is a very nice Cosplay of Uchiha Sasuke from Naruto. One look from it, you can say that this guy really looks handsome and that he really looked like Uchiha Sasuke....
Genderbent McCree
For those who love to play Overwatch, you most probably used McCree at some point because of his skills and ability. People who makes a McCree cosplay always looks as...
Genderbent Captain America
So far, the genderbent versions I’ve seen are remarkably impressive and this time, I’d be featuring a genderbent Captain America who is oh so hot. Happy...
Gender bent Ryuk from Down Under
Okay, so usually when people talk about Cosplay, they automatically think about Japan. I admit that most Asian cosplayers look more like the anime characters. I don’t...