Jeepers, It’s JessWhitmore’s Daphne


And it looks like she’s seen a ghost. Well, maybe a few ghosts. I suppose the Scooby squad gets them on a regular basis, but maybe not by themselves. Still, it looks like JessWhitmore‘s Daphne is pretty amped up for it.

That and maybe some monsters. But the full gear is on, and by full gear I do mean the purple skirt and top combo that goes fantastically with her red hair (and of course, who can forget the neck tie that’s beaming with green?) which really does just invite full on cartoon energy when she screams in horror.

I’m not sure which mystery JessWhitmore is trying to solve, but she’s gonna look stylish while doing it for sure!

Jeepers, It’s JessWhitmore’s Daphne

Jeepers, It’s JessWhitmore’s Daphne

Jeepers, It’s JessWhitmore’s Daphne

JessWhitmore writes:

cosplayer. gamer.


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