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Canndy_new Turns Astolfo Into Agartha

Canndy_new Turns Astolfo Into Agartha

A really interesting part of the class riders in the Fate/Apocrypha are just how many characters turn into characters that represent different characters. Canndy_new is...

Assassin Mysterystar_ Is Now Jack The Ripper

Assassin Mysterystar_ Is Now Jack The Ripper

The world is full of very interesting characters and the various manga and anime are just proof of how much creativity can give a really interesting cosplay....

Master, Look! Tamamo No Mae Is Here

Airi’s back with another Fate Stay Go cosplay. Meet Tamamo No Mae. If you’ve followed cosplay pages, you’ll be quick to realize that this character has been a...

Astolfo Is Ready To Give You Service

Welcome home, master! What would you like to do first? Bath? Dinner? Or…? What happens when you put Astolfo in a maid outfit and cat ears? Probably this. Rinka is back...

It’s a Beautiful Day For Sailing

Whenever people miss someone, we often look at photos. Then when we miss a certain anime we look at videos, fanarts, or cosplay. In the same manner, when we miss the sun...

Bloody Beautiful Jack The Ripper Cosplay

Unfailingly usual, a lot of diehard hardcore fans of the Fate/Stay franchise have expressed their disdain over the anime, Fate/Apocrypha. Surprisingly they were still...


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