The Demon Slayer franchise is full of various demons both good and bad. Nezuko definitely falls into the former category as she once used to be a human herself, now...
Schools have various subjects that most students have to learn. There’s science, math and a lot of literature-based ones, and then there’s the Hyakkaou...
The Suicide Squad is full of colorful members, but there’s one stand out that really manages to pull the team together each time and that’s Harley Quinn. I’m super...
Being part of the APE Special Forces must not be an easy task, especially when that involves fighting klaxosaurs to protect the world. That’s exactly what Zero two has...
The world has been taken by magic with the introduction of Arcane, but the world has already seen some of the amazing character builds from League of Legends before....
From battling the Batman with the Joker to going on important missions as part of the Suicide Squad – Harley Quinn has become one of the most famous figures in the...
My attention has been stolen by a woman who knows just how to get the best out of her cosplays. When I see those glazed over, white milky eyes, I know that I’m in...
„I play to win!“ – one of the many quotes uttered by D.Va in any Overwatch match and there are certainly plenty of victories to be found today in Jinx_25’s room....
The Mystery Machine is on the loose tonight and it has one smart noggin’ leading the way to victory as Yoki_Shizuko takes on a cosplay that she looks incredible in...
The so called “Scarlet Devil” may not be wearing her default clothing here, but it doesn’t take five seconds for a Touhou Project fan to recognize who Alcololy is...
The scrolling text at the beginning of every Star Wars movie always says that the characters exist in a galaxy far, far away, but today I don’t need a spaceship to see...
It seems that my Spidey senses are tingling, but also Anaperla‘s as well. Mine are tingling at the sight and sound of a cosplay cutie that is making her way into...