Reige Gets The Power-Ups In Mario Kart


Who is the best racer in all of Mario Kart? Is it Peach? Or Mario? Maybe Luigi? All of those are wrong. The only correct answer today is Reige.

She’s making her way through a particularly intense race while grabbing all kinds of power-ups. Each one is taking her closer and closer to the finish line until she gets hit with a koopa shell herself and has to be sent back a few spots. Can go-karts race through water? They definitely can in this game and there’s lots of underwater driving going on here as she tries to escape ending up at 10th place.

Things don’t quite go amazing today, but Reige still manages to grab back a few spots while using a few well timed power-ups and there’s lots of time to make sure the next few races will turn out great.

Reige Gets The Power-Ups In Mario Kart

Reige Gets The Power-Ups In Mario Kart

Reige Gets The Power-Ups In Mario Kart

Reige writes:

Konnichiwassup! I’m Rei, and I’m an American girl living in Japan since 2018. When I initially moved here, I didn’t know a single soul. Now, through lots of trial and error (mostly error) I have made a home here! Despite any obstacle, I know I will rise to meet it. One thing I like is a good challenge!


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