Bazowie Awards 2024 Best Sci Fi Themed Toy Nominees


While we are all getting amped up for the Bazowie! Awards livestream, I thought I’d just highlight a few categories. The science fiction-inspired sculpts of this past year were amazing. Dear readers, we hope you will join us for March the 4th’s Bazowie Awards livestream, in less than nine days. Meanwhile, the Bazowie Awards 2024 nominees for Best Sci Fi Themed Toy are:

Abyss the Kaiju King from Bad Dragon

Alien Egg Plug from John Thomas Toys

Creature from Weredog

Hidalgo from Xenocat Artifacts

Pleasure Pitcher Stroker from Chillow Fantasy

Riger from Elemental Toys

Sex Machine from Hankey’s Toys

photographed by san diego product photographer Nesli

U.F.O from Dilgo Toys

Vibe Saber from Geeky Sex Toys

Virtual Cam Girl Melody Sex Hole from Otonajp

Weaver from Phreakclub


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