Reige Swerves Through The Competition


Paris can be an especially busy place during most hours of the week, but I feel like it’s especially so during the Paris Promenade. That and maybe the weird creatures in the cars may raise just a few eyebrows. But Reige is a focused driver and she plans to win it all.

I do appreciate her shows at most times, whether that’s gaming or otherwise, but there is something about Mario Kart that I love even more so because of how chill she is (her name definitely does not match her mood during the races) and how she manages to reign supreme during most races. Slow and steady definitely does not win the race, though.

Mario Kart and Reige are always a top notch combo!

Reige Swerves Through The Competition

Reige Swerves Through The Competition

Reige Swerves Through The Competition

Reige writes:

Late night degenerate owl – Tallest 5’2 girl in the world


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