Bazowie! Magazine 8 Free Download Presented by MyFreeCams


Courtesy of Bazowie! Magazine’s presenting sponsor MyFreeCams, the e-mag edition of the new issue of the magazine is free to download, for readers of SexyFandom, for a limited time.

This issue features Emily Bloom, photographed by Atlas Elison, and on the cover in an empowered take on the Handmaid’s Tale, and she cosplays more characters in the pages of our eighth issue of Bazowie! Magazine, plus Ryan Phoenix goes deep with her on how she became so expert at her craft and why she does not have a favorite video game. Ryan also interviews Raven Noir about her feminist deconstruction of final girls in horror and cosplay fun. PeterP interviews Virtual Lady about cosplay and her origin story. Features include Amazing Las Vegas ComicCon, Rings of Power, and House of the Dragon.

This issue also features the coverage of the Bazowie! Awards, presented by Zinetastic, and lists all the Bazowie Awards winners circle.

Plus reviews of goodies from Organotoy and Narnia Dress and our useful convention calendar, now back to IRL events.

You can get the free download with code bz8 at or just click this link. I hope you love this issue as much as we put love into it and love the way it came out.


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