CosplayErotica: Vickie Brown Inventory Editing As Mad Moxxi


Vickie Brown is in full cosplay as Mad Moxxi from the Borderland games, and her costume is all kinds of sexy, but there’s a particular element that captures my attention here: how her face is adorned with thick black lines that accentuate her facial features and make her look like she is actually a character from a comic-style work come to life.

The sexiness of this CosplayErotica set is clear from the start, but it is enhanced by those moments where Vickie Brown starts dropping some of her gear to show us that she is stronger and more flexible when her garments aren’t in the way, a detail from this cosplay that I will forever keep in my mind as a way to remind myself that getting rid of unnecessary loot can sometimes lead to happiness.

CosplayErotica: Vickie Brown As Mad Moxxi Inventory Editing

CosplayErotica: Vickie Brown As Mad Moxxi Inventory Editing

CosplayErotica: Vickie Brown As Mad Moxxi Inventory Editing

CosplayErotica: Vickie Brown As Mad Moxxi Inventory Editing

CosplayErotica: Vickie Brown As Mad Moxxi Inventory Editing

CosplayErotica: Vickie Brown As Mad Moxxi Inventory Editing


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