Annie_May_ Brings On D.Va To Play


Looks like the Tank in charge for most things battle related and main video game junkie in charge, D.Va is at it again. This time around she’s being cosplayed by Annie_May_ who is really putting in the full effort for today’s show. Not only does she have all the colors in and ready, but she’s also got some extra nerdy stuff in her room like the Horizon Zero Dawn crystals and the plushies.

In the meantime, it looks like this cosplayer cutie is in her full battle suit, including the headwear and including the pink battle scars on her cheeks. There’s just a matter of time before I know she’s gonna go all out guns blazing and I can’t wait to see more of Annie_May_‘s D.Va in action!

Annie_May_ Brings On D.Va To Play

Annie_May_ Brings On D.Va To Play

Annie_May_ Brings On D.Va To Play

Real Name: Annie
Followers: 30505
Birth Date: April 14, 2002
Age: 19
I am: A Woman
Interested In: Women, Men, Couples, Trans
Location: next door
Last Broadcast: 1 day ago


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