Cosplay Erotica’s Devorah Prepares To Lead The YoRHa


Cosplay Erotica really know how to do their post-apocalyptic genre photoshoots right. Nier: Automata is just one of those games that has taken the world by storm since it came out which naturally means there have been some pretty good character cosplays out of them – and Devorah is really rocking this 2B look. As the main protagonist, she is brave, she is determined and she is sneaky.

The cutie is showing off all those fighting moves in each of these shots and I particularly like the close-ups because they really focus on the little details on her outfit – and her wielding that katana is downright awesome! Cosplay Erotica‘s Devorah is really rocking this look from top to bottom. Check out their website for more incredible cosplay content!

Cosplay Erotica’s Devorah Prepares To Lead The YoRHa

Cosplay Erotica’s Devorah Prepares To Lead The YoRHa

Cosplay Erotica’s Devorah Prepares To Lead The YoRHa

Cosplay Erotica’s Devorah Prepares To Lead The YoRHa

Cosplay Erotica’s Devorah Prepares To Lead The YoRHa

YoRHa No.2 Type B (Battle) or 2B serves as the protagonist of Route A in NieR:Automata. She is a YoRHa android created to battle the machine lifeforms that have invaded the planet on behalf of the surviving humans. She served during the 14th Machine War.


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