Yumeko_Chan Does A Naughty Nun 2B Mesh Cosplay


I’ve seen really good 2B cosplays and I’ve seen pretty good nun cosplays. But I’ve never really seen them mixed. That’s what Yumeko_Chan is doing and it’s apparently what she’s really good at seeing as she’s done some mesh cosplays in the past. I never really thought of pairing this up but it somehow makes sense, 2B’s battle suit with a little nun to sprinkle on top is just the perfect combination of warrior, sinner and saint and it works so well!

The babe is rocking the all too familiar white hair with the little headband, plus the white collar that droops with the cross marked on it and it really completes the entire look. Look out world, there’s a new 2B in town and Yumeko_Chan is right there controlling her!

Yumeko_Chan Does A Naughty Nun 2B Mesh Cosplay

Yumeko_Chan Does A Naughty Nun 2B Mesh Cosplay

Yumeko_Chan Does A Naughty Nun 2B Mesh Cosplay

Real Name:Yume ❀
Birth Date:Oct. 21, 1999
I am:Female
Interested In:Men, Women, Trans, Couples
Last Broadcast:5 days ago
Language(s):English with translator
Body Type:AX400
Smoke / Drink:Thirium 310
Body Decorations:No


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