Yumeko_Chan Brings Rem Vibes For A Good Time


Rem has evolved into one of those awesome cosplays that I just love to watch. It’s only because the outfit can be so simple yet so complex, with a little bit of maid inspiration that’s got a big anime charm on top. Out of both twins, Rem seems to be the favorite in the cosplaying community but both of them are very similar, yet extremely distinct in how they act.

She has got the whole dress on, and the separate pieces like the sleeves, the collar and the pads that all piece together this puzzle of beauty. And she even has the blue hair and all the accessories that Rem has in her hair. It is an impeccable replica and I’m really loving Yumeko_Chan‘s vibes!

Yumeko_Chan Brings Rem Vibes For A Good Time

Yumeko_Chan Brings Rem Vibes For A Good Time

Real Name:Yume ❀
Birth Date:Oct. 21, 2000
I am:Female
Interested In:Men, Women, Trans, Couples
Body Type:AX400
Smoke / Drink:Thirium 310
Body Decorations:No


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