Asianlilkitty Is Too Cool For School


One doesn’t have to be in an actual classroom to do a bit of studying, it’s possible to just hang around in your own room and turn it into the perfect study hall. All that’s needed is a schoolgirl outfit and a bit of imagination – both of which Asianlilkitty has plenty of! The cutie looks stunning in her uniform, which is a sexier take on the classic Japanese schoolgirl outfit everyone has come to know and love. Navy blue and white are the two primary colors here as the beauty matches her white top with a navy blue miniskirt and has even tied a neckerchief around her collar for that added touch of something special.

Watching Asianlilkitty has been a true learning experience in how to look cute, stylish and amazing in a beautiful schoolgirl outfit.

Asianlilkitty Is Too Cool For School

Asianlilkitty Is Too Cool For School

Asianlilkitty Is Too Cool For School

Real Name:Elly
Birth Date:April 14, 1998
I am:Female
Interested In:Men
Location:Somewhere in Asia


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