SailorZed Is Too Cool For School


Kawaii was the first word that came to mind when I came across SailorZed‘s stream tonight. Wearing a traditional Japanese school girl outfit, complete with the overall navy and white, striped collar and sailor details, it seems like she’s up for some roleplaying, chatting and lots more to show off. The bright, yellow hair is the first thing you will notice upon coming across this cutie, held together by two little kitten ears that really get the party started. I had to check my date to see what day it was and it looks like we have a very helpful and ambitious student here, staying up late to finish all her assignments.

Come for the studies, stay for SailorZed and her merry stream of school girl activities!

SailorZed Is Too Cool For School

SailorZed Is Too Cool For School

SailorZed Is Too Cool For School

Who’s Zed?


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