Puzzle & Dragons Cosplay Is Quite Adorable


Mobile games are getting more and more popular these days it’s getting difficult to keep track when there’s new content that pops up everyday, there’s a lot I want to try, and don’t get me started on my device’s storage capacities.
Today, I stumbled upon this cosplay from kc_nemutai (pseudonym) and its captioned as “Colorful Benevolence Dragon Caller, Ideal Cosplay” and was said to be from Puzzle & Dragons. This is what I’m thankful about when it comes to cosplay, it catches attention and directs people to something they can potentially enjoy. Cosplay becomes promotion for not only the cosplayer but for the game as well.

A quick google search of this game reveals that, as the title mentions, it’s a puzzle game – think: candy crush, but probably a little bit better. It has some sort of storyline and characters to collect that you can power up to defeat the game baddie. Overall, it looks like something I would play when I just want to relax and not hurt my brain, because lining up gems and the gem popping seems satisfying.

Coser: kc_nemutai
Photo: Rai


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