You Are Going To Go Psycho For This Borderlands Makeup Look


Borderlands 3 is on a lot of our minds this Halloween season as many people are freshly playing through the game, and if you are wondering how to become a Psycho… Bonnie Corban SFX has the tutorial for you!

She starts off with a mask from a hardware store and trims it to be a little smaller, then she takes some medical tape and tapes the mask to her face. Next she uses liquid latex and a stippling sponge to apply the latex around the edges of the mask and tape to blend it to the skin. Then she rips off some thin strips of tissue and puts it over the latex to get a more smooth and seamless blend and texture. Once it is all blended down, a hair dryer set to cool helps it to set and dry. The browbone comes next, and she glues down her brow and uses a spoolie to brush them flat before using cotton balls and liquid latex to make a more prominent and aggressive looking brow.

She makes little donut shapes with cotton on the sides of the mask and then sticks a contact lens case lid in them to make the side vents, and then sticks little pre-cut pieces of cardboard to the plastic before painting them with creme makeup. After setting it all with some baby powder, she then starts to paint the lines and detail for the mask with the creme face paints.  She starts in with the orange at the top before putting some blue around her sockets which serves as a base for her to go in with some eyeshadow and glam the look up a little. She uses the Make Up A Murder Crime Scene palette for her eyeshadow, and then puts on her liner and lashes off camera.

After that, it is all about going in and doing the detail work and tattoos. Remembering that this is a cel shaded look so doing detail lines  will help define it. And that is it, Bonnie Corban SFX has taught us how to create a really awesome Borderlands 3 look that will have you causing trouble for vault hunters in no time and affordably!





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