Orange Is the New Black With Miss_Charlee


The show may be over but Miss_Charlee is doing a fantastic job at bringing back one of our early favorites from Orange Is The New Black as she takes on some fun cosplay fun in this early October. Her room is all but ready for some Halloween fun in the form of a Chucky, some pumpkins, an overall orange decoration tone and some bat wings laying around while she chats away to everyone and gets all chained up with some cuffs, ready for her cell. The blonde cutie is definitely bringing the humor from the show as well as the classic, orange jumpsuit and we can’t wait to see what else she has in store.

Everybody wants to get in Miss_Charlee‘s version of a cammed out women’s prison as she awaits her sentence.

Orange Is the New Black With Miss_Charlee

Orange Is the New Black With Miss_Charlee

Arbitrary | Demisexual | Brat Switch | Exhibitionist | Adult Model | Cam Performer | Clip Creator | Digital & Mixed Medium Artist | Personal Trainer | Dog Mom


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