Miss_Charlee Is Cooking Up A Batch For Something Special


We are the ones who knock this time. It’s only polite to do so when going to visit today’s methticulous cook. Celebrating the long-awaited release of El Camino, Miss_Charlee has put on her finest recipe cookin’ suit and is inviting us all to celebrate along with her. The famous bright yellow hazmat suit is all this beauty needs to fit right in with Walt and Jesse and bake up a real weekend treat with her show. She may not be in an actual laboratory, but the bedroom setting is perfect for an experienced home cook. Besides, we see just the right assistant hanging around in the background in the form of a Chucky doll.

Suit up and head out to see what Miss_Charlee has cooked up for you, bitch.

Miss_Charlee Is Cooking Up A Batch For Something Special

Miss_Charlee Is Cooking Up A Batch For Something Special

Miss_Charlee Is Cooking Up A Batch For Something Special

Arbitrary | Demisexual | Brat Switch | Exhibitionist | Adult Model | Cam Performer | Clip Creator | Digital & Mixed Medium Artist | Personal Trainer | Dog Mom


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