A Foxy Deity


Sweet Mother of Fox! Our character for today is sexy animal deity from the game, Muramasa: The Demon Blade and her name is Kongiku. She is like Yuzuruha, a Kitsune (fox deity) serving under Inari. She shows affection towards Jinkuro at times expressing by showing jealousy towards Momohime. He, however, sees her as a tool to achieve his own goals. She acts as the main support character in Momohime’s quest and can be found at any Inari shrine, that serve as save points. It is Kongiku that gives Jinkuro and Momohime a mask containing Senji Muramasa’s spirit. This granted them the ability to forge demon blades. She steals the mask from her fellow Kitsune, which is a big risk she takes to support Jinkuro.

Our cosplay for today is the very alluring and pretty Ariena Ten or real name, Alena. She’s been cosplaying for more than 5 years and for the 5 years, she have shown her skills, willingness and love for cosplay. What’s more about Ariena is the due to her Russian genes, as well know most russian young female has this big eyes which is really best for cosplaying anime charcters. Besides cosplyaying and being a model, she’s also a photographer and studies as the designer of clothes which she continues to apply on her cosplays.

The cosplayer followed the classical and never ending yet lovable japanese Kimono like what was worn by the character. An orange kimono with the autumn theme while wearing those cute fluffy ears to represent her as a fox deity. Another thing to be taken note off is the lantern held by the fox like what was in the game. But what really makes this photo great is the dawn setting in the forest which really give emphasis on the outfit of Kongiku since she’s bright as a firefly during the night with the perfect setting and ambiance.

Pretty, Gorgeous, Alluring, Sexy, Attractive and Lovely yet it isn’t enough to describe her and it’s really good thing that I happened to learn about her. Many cosplayer keeps popping up nowadays but I can assure you the Arienai-ten would go far long so let’s continue support her by following her on Facebook, Cosplay.com and Youtube. Let’s also give thanks to Andrey Bosenko for the gorgeous photography


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