Insatiable Episode 4 Recap: WMBS


It’s hilarious to see how the Armstrongs struggle on the treadmill while the Barnards look like they’re models.

Coraleen Armstrong and Annie May Barnard are looking to start a new organization that can rival Junior League so they thought of a plan on how to kickstart it — by having a mother-daughter pageant!

Of course, Bob A said Patty and Coraleen could do it since their daughter was in service. Unfortunately, Coraleen doesn’t have plans to win and Patty have other plans as well — to win Bob A!

You should watch this episode if you haven’t yet because:
A) Coraleen and Patty bonded — seriously! And they’re not pulling each other’s hair!
B) Bob A and Bob B having breakfast together!
C) Bob Barnard is NOT shirtless here…which is almost impossible because he is Bob Barnard
D) Regina got arrested!

Watch this right now on Netflix to see how long the bond will last!


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