Orange, the anime


Have you ever thought about it once in your life — what if you can change the decisions you made ten years ago?

I was looking for new anime series and I saw this anime with the title “Orange” and it was listed under “school/slice of life” so I said “Why not?”. I’m not really fond of reading through synopsis because I want to be surprised what the anime is about. I was thinking about a cute love story so when I started watching, the episode started where there are 26-year old friends who gathered together, giving each other letters — the letters they made 10 years ago. So, after that, I thought that, okay, it’s a story-telling about what happened 10 years ago.

The main character, Naho, started the year being late and as she rushed and took her bag, a letter dropped which was named for her. Upon arriving at school, she opened the letter and to her surprise — and mine — it was a letter from the future — the 26 year-old her.

Please note that to avoid spoiling it to others, I will not disclose other information and it is for you to watch. The anime series was just launched on July 3, 2016 produced by Telecom Animation Film and TMS Entertainment, written by Yūko Kakihara and directed by Hiroshi Hamasaki.

If you are looking for something fresh and exciting and makes you feel a little pinch in your heart while watching, watch Orange and it’s not hard to keep up with the anime series since it is just the first episode.


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