Cosplays From Anime Japan 2018


First held in 2014, Anime Japan, the event that brings both domestic and international anime companies and organizations together is back again this year with a 3-day event held at Tokyo Big Sight. Today may be the last day and the event is almost over but the people still keep on arriving!

Anime Japan, formerly known as Tokyo International Anime Fair is an annual tradeshow that is attended by not only the Japanese but also foreign TV and film companies, toy and game developers, and guests from all over the world. It is one of the largest anime conventions in Japan and in the entire world. For otakus, this event is probably on their “pilgrimage list” or go to places when they travel to anime mecca a.k.a Japan.

Much like any big conventions held, you can expect exhibits, limited merchandise, live shows, free gaming, and stage performances or events which you’ll probably need some sort of reservation ticket to get into. You know what’s free to see tho? Cosplay. Events in Japan always have an entire area in the venue that is solely dedicated for cosplayers and walking through here, apart from interesting, sometimes feel surreal.

Here’s a look at some of the cosplays from this year’s Anime Japan:


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