Pumpkins, Tea, and Kongou


Halloween day is certainly over, but it doesn’t mean it’s time for the party to end! It’s still November after all and I’m pretty sure Santa’s not done checking his list and wrapping up those gifts yet. That means a little bit of extension for all the ghouls and ghosties to party with those who want to, right?

“Hey~ Admiral! What do you think about my Halloween outfit? I have prepared a secret party for only 2 of us DESU! Please forget your duties for a moment, and enjoy the party with me”
is what cosplayer, Olivie, has playfully captioned on her photos when she shared them to her fans. The costume she wore is a modified version of Kantai Collection‘s battleship girl, Kongou.

A little info for those who are unfamiliar with Kantai collection. It is a popular Japanese browser game and anime series about girls who have the souls of battleships. They fight off alien invaders that are call abyssals.

All photos were taken by Masaki Cosplayland Studio: UniFantasy P.S.


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