The Doll Life Season 2 Episode 8: Stephanie Runs The Show


Myx TV’s reality TV show The Doll Life season 2 episode 8 is titled “Stephanie Runs The Show” and this episode has a lot of feels and emotions.

Paula is not there at Cherry Blossom Festival because of a family emergency and, of course, heartless Stephanie and Stevie bashed her because of it. I would understand that Audra would not feel good about going to any of the fashion show because of the never ending slut-shaming from Stephanie and Stevie.

Cyril felt that the entire team is falling apart, again, so she had asked Paula to arrange some activities for them so that their bond will go stronger. Only Stevie, Stephanie, Cyril and Ashphord attended and the Chocolate Covered Cosplay team tended their booth. “Doctor” Wendy came and first asked them to shake off the tension and asked them what they feel. Ashphord stepped up and said that she felt being left out. I don’t know if Cyril never noticed it but there’s some kind of invisible barrier between “The Management” team consisting of Paula, Cyril, Stephanie and Stevie and there’s “The Outcasts” consists of Ashphord and Audra. If there’s something “important” they have to talk about “the team” or “The Dolldelight”, only four of them are there and they never include Audra or Ashphord. This is even before the “cake porn/fetish” issue came out. Here’s another fact: Stevie and Stephanie never wanted Audra to be with the team from the very beginning. Audra is a human being as well and can feel that. I, as an avid fan and always watch the show, felt it from far away so there’s no question why Audra would feel that way.

Everybody let their feelings and frustrations out in that activity and I was touched by the way Ashphord defended Audra when Stephanie and Stevie was kicking Audra’s picture that was pasted on the punching bag. She told them that she’s sick of them bullying and slut-shaming Audra. Audra was not able to show up because no one picked her up so Cyril asked Stephanie to find a replacement model — as usual from Chocolate Covered Cosplay who also agreed to host the show. Although everyone was able to understand a bit about each others feelings, it did not take care of the Audra-issue. Stephanie was able to run the fashion show without any issue; however, I think the credit should go to Chocolate Covered Cosplay since Angel saved the day and filled in for Audra while the others hosted the show.

Next episode there’s going to be a lot of things going on like camping with the team and Chocolate Covered Cosplay and I can’t wait to watch and review the next episode!


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