Stylish Female Riddler Cosplay by Roxy Lee


That green bowler hat may have a question mark on it, but every year on St. Patrick’s Day we have the real symbol figured out–it’s a shamrock! The purple leggings make this one of the most fun Riddler cosplays out there, and I almost wish the picture were moving so I could see a cane twirl from showwoman Roxy Lee. The green plaid belt is my favorite part, since it adds enough contrast to the solid colors of the outfit without distracting from them. Knowing she had a great thing going, Lee took this winning outfit to Fan Expo and no doubt impressed many people with it. She also took her own photos!


Our awesome Geek Girl Roxy Lee ad a ton of fun in this cosplay last year at Fan Expo, we know Roxy loves her Batman villains! We love her version of the Riddler, she looks amazing!


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