Anastassia Bear in a rhinestone burlesque


BlueBlood brings back one of my favorite models, Anastassia Bear. Amelia G and Forrest Black work great magic with Anastassia Bear and I’m glad to see her grace the covers of Blue Blood yet again. This time, Anastassia Bear is dressing a bit of a sparkly goddess. Amelia G calls it ‘rhinestone burlesque’ but I call it ‘just darn hot.’

This shoot allows us to see Anastassia Bear in a pretty skimpy (not complaining) silver sparkly top with a bit of coverage down below. Her stockings rise like a lover’s kiss right out of her shoes (which are awesome too, I might add) and up almost to the top of her thigh. Some of the pictures show a bit of leg, and that’s a good thing. One other focus on this shoot is Anastassia Bear’s tattoos. I almost forgot about her ink under her arms (that’s the polite way of saying “armpits” for those aspiring writers at home). I’m not sure if I could have sat still for those tattoos. They look great–the colours really pop with this shoot too.

Of course, we can’t talk about Anastassia Bear without talking about her ability to pose with her face. Let’s face it, she could go head to head with Zoolander every day. Now that’s a walk-off I’d love to see on the big screen.

Forrest Black and I love things which sparkle, so we definitely had to shoot Anastassia Bear in her rhinestone burlesque outfit, as soon as she showed it to us. I hope you all enjoy the sparkly goodness this weekend.
–Amelia G


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