Sexy Comics for Sexy People


Greetings, my sexy nerdlings! If you’re anything like me, you appreciate frank talk about sexy topics and also hot pictures and also webcomics. I’m a simple creature with simple tastes.

Today, I present you with two fine examples by fine artists that blend these things: Oh Joy Sex Toy by Erika Moen and Matthew Nolan, and YOU SUCK by Josh Lesnick. I’ve been reading webcomics by these artists for close on a decade now, following them from project to project, and I’m incredibly pleased to report that both of them are currently working on specifically sexy projects.

Josh Lesnick, of Girly and Slipshine fame (DEFINITELY NSFW links, guys), is working up a delightful little fiction number featuring an over-imaginative college girl and the succubus who just wants to be her best friend. Set in Austin, TX, the vibe (no pun intended) definitely keeps with the “Keep it weird” mentality of the town.

And if you’ve ever thought non-fiction couldn’t be arousing, pop over to Erika and Matthew’s comic, where they review new products as well as share stories for your viewing pleasure. Talk about a dream job–! Check out the Sex Ed section for what amounts to the hottest, most helpful, instruction manuals out there.

Both comics are kind enough to recommend other enjoyable ways to spend an evening or thirteen, so have fun! I’ll be in my bunk, with all the pictures that weren’t SFW enough to post here.

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